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Birth Control

Dr. DeLeon's Woman's Health Care

OB/GYN & Wellness Center located in Rockwall, TX

More than 99% of sexually active women in the United States have used at least one form of birth control. Birth control allows you to enjoy a healthy sex life without worrying about taking on the commitment of pregnancy. OB/GYN physician Luis DeLeon Usuga, MD, at Dr. DeLeon’s Woman’s Health Care provides expert birth control services and can help you choose the method you want and get the most out of it. Conveniently located in Rowlett, Texas, you may call Dr. DeLeon’s Woman’s Health Care to learn more about birth control today.

Birth Control Q & A

What is birth control?

Birth control, also called contraception, prevents pregnancy. It allows you to be sexually active with a much lower risk of becoming pregnant. You have many options when it comes to birth control, and your doctor helps guide you to the best option based on your medical history and the amount of sexual activity that you engage in.

Why should I use birth control?

There are many benefits to using birth control beyond its main intention, the prevention of pregnancy. Using birth control can also:

  • Regulate your menstrual cycle
  • Control bleeding during your period
  • Ease menstrual cramps
  • Reduce severe acne
  • Help prevent STDs


If you have additional issues that can be eased with certain types of birth control, it can help guide your choice.

What types of birth control are available?

The team at Dr. DeLeon’s Woman’s Health Care is knowledgeable and can help you make the best choice for you when choosing a contraceptive. The doctors can place implants and IUDs for you at the office. Your options include:

Oral contraceptives

Often called “the pill,” oral contraceptives come in the form of pills that you take every day. They are full of hormones that stop you from ovulating (producing eggs). The hormones also thicken the mucus on the inside of your vagina, making it more difficult for sperm from your male partner to get through. The pill is about 91% effective, but it only works when taken diligently. It does not protect you from STDs.


Intrauterine devices (IUDs) are some of the lowest maintenance and most effective forms of birth control. The devices stay in your uterus for three to 12 years depending on the brand that you use and are more than 99% effective. While some slowly deliver hormones into your body, others are made of copper which is poisonous to sperm and egg cells. IUDs do not protect you from STDs.


Nexplanon is a form of birth control that is inserted into your arm and delivers hormones to your bloodstream. One device lasts for three years and is about 99% effective. It does not protect against STDs.


Other methods of birth control include birth control shots, insertable vaginal rings, and patches that stick to your skin to deliver hormones. Condoms are also a form of birth control that can protect against many STDs.

To learn more about your many options of birth control methods, call Dr. DeLeon’s Woman’s Health Care today.