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Fertility counseling

doctor consulting

The aggressiveness by which a patient pursues pregnancy will differ from person to person based on individual desires and age. I believe it is also of utmost importance to consider the many medical factors which can impact the patient’s ability to conceive in order to properly help direct her.

Important things to keep in mind:

The causes of infertility are as follows:

Evaluation of sperm quantity and quality are easily evaluated through an ejaculated specimen.

Hormonal imbalances such as thyroid, elevated prolactin, and insulin resistance are also evaluated through blood testing.

Evaluation of anatomy and fallopian tube patency (opening) can be evaluated by a X-ray dye test or laparoscopy (day surgery procedure).

The method and speed by which we evaluate a patient will depend on her age, her history, and her physical exam. As an example, if a patient is in her mid-thirties, has a history of pelvic pain, and has evidence of marked scarring on a pelvic exam, she would be best evaluated by laparoscopy.

I feel it is very important to individualize the approach to assisting patients with their efforts to conceive. A patient who is in their mid-twenties and has not been successful in conceiving may become very anxious. I believe that a few inexpensive steps like using an over-the-counter ovulation kit, timing coitus, and drawing a properly timed progesterone level through a blood test will potentially improve her chances of conceiving while giving her reassurance that she is producing normal eggs. On the other hand, a patient who is 36-years-old or more should take a much more aggressive approach to conceiving because she will statistically have more difficulty conceiving.

Dr. Luis Usuga Dr. DeLeon received his MD and surgical training at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. Dr. DeLeon then served as a Resident of General Surgery at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Lansdown, Pennsylvania. He completed his internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Jackson Memorial Hospital, university of Miami, and at the University of Puerto Rico. Dr. DeLeon has been in private practice in the Dallas metroplex since October 1998. He is a preceptor for Medical students. Dr. DeLeon is Board Certified and is a member of the American College OB/GYN, snd the AMA

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