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Initiation of Gynecologic Care in Adolescence

happy woman

Many mothers want to know when routine gynecologic examinations for their daughters should begin. The answer is simple: When the need arises. Reasons for an adolescent to see a gynecologist include (but are not limited to):

If none of these apply, an introductory visit to the gynecologist may be wise between the ages of 17 and 19, possibly coinciding with entry into college. Although Pap smear testing is typically not recommended until age 21, an examination to confirm normal anatomy may be appropriate, along with a discussion about birth control and sexually transmitted diseases. A pelvic exam isn’t always needed at the initial visit, but just the opportunity to ask questions may be extremely valuable to the patient to help develop a comfortable relationship with a doctor that she can call on when in need.

Dr. Luis Usuga Dr. DeLeon received his MD and surgical training at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. Dr. DeLeon then served as a Resident of General Surgery at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Lansdown, Pennsylvania. He completed his internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Jackson Memorial Hospital, university of Miami, and at the University of Puerto Rico. Dr. DeLeon has been in private practice in the Dallas metroplex since October 1998. He is a preceptor for Medical students. Dr. DeLeon is Board Certified and is a member of the American College OB/GYN, snd the AMA

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